Technical, Visual and Audio Codes (Stuart)

Technical, Visual and Audio Codes.

The scene i have chosen if from the show "The Walking Dead"
There are many different technical codes in this scene and many of which are camera angles, one of the first important camera shots in this scene is a mid shot, Spencer is stood in front of a group of people. This shot is important because he stood in front of people that he is with, people he trusts and people that are part of his group. However in this shot he is stood at the front suggesting he is the leader, but if you are a fan of the show you would know he is just a part of the group and is trying to prove himself. The shot showcases the importance of the character for this specific scene.

The next all important shot is around 1:00 and it shows Spencer leaning down to take the shot on the pool table and in the background.This shot is a medium close up but really tries to show the importance of the people behind Spencer, this is because later on in the scene something happens to the lady in the background and this shot is trying to let fans know that something might happen and that despite the camera focusing on Spencer, the people in the background are important too.

The next shot is a a wide shot shown just after the previous shot I've just talked about, this shot is a wide shot as it not only shows the character but more of where the location is. The purpose to this shot is to let the viewer know that the characters are in a secure place, this is because of the high walls. However this could misleading as the group of which Spencer is in are under threat by the person who he is talking to in the scene.This is because Negan and his group have a feud with the group Spencer is with and therefore the shot can show that Negan has advantage as despite the look of solitude from the location, he still made in and confronted them.

Moving on from the previous shot it then cuts to a close up of Spencer talking, this shot is to make the audeince understand what he is really saying, it also allows the audience see his expression and how determined he is in this scence to prove that he is a leader.

The final shot i will talk about is at around  3:05, This sbot is an over the shoulder shot. This shot is important as it shows the viewers that he is talking to Spencer directly, and despite not being able to see Negans face, you can see the realness of his words just from the facial expressions of Spencer alone.

There are many visuals in this scence that prove the importance of this certain part of the show, first of which is the Bat which Negan is holding, the bat is important as it is iconic for the show and symbolises who exactly is the bad guy in the situation. If your'e a fan of the show you'd recognise the bat straight away as it is so important to the storyline and plot of the show. Another prop in this scene are the guns the men are holding in the background, this is important as it shows who is in control in this situation, the men located are part of Negans group and are clearly armed to threat and interrogate the opposition.

An important part of Visual codes is gesture and in this scene Negans gesture is important as it shows he is a strong villain and in charge. This is clear from the way he walks around the pool table freely whereas Spencer and his group are stood still as if they are instructed to do so. It expresses arrogance from Negan as he knows he has the situation under control.

Another Visual code that is important is Costumes, the costumes in this scene and in the whole really show off the fact that they are in a apocalyptic world, some of the clothes are baggy and look old and worn out which therefore implies that they have been in this situation for a very long time.

In this scene there are a lot of important audio codes too look out for, First of all the sound of crickets and nature behind them shows how isolated they are, and because this is a Diegetic sound the characters have the ability to hear it, however the tense slow music in the background on the other hand shows the the importance of the scene and the rivalry between the characters, this is a different type of sound as it can only be heard by the viewer, this is called a Non Diegetic sound. Both types of sounds portray the reality of the situation and how serious it is. Another part of Audio codes is sound effects, an example of sound effect in this scene is when Negan stabs Spencer, the sound of the knife going through Spencer is edited in because it is a sound that is impossible to get without doing it, and of course they arent going to do it for real. This effect allows the audience hear the impact of it happening and can cause extra fright and shock as to what just happened



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