
Showing posts from October, 2017

White Balance

In this lesson around White Balance we were taught why white balance is important, and the reason is that it allows the camera to have a more realistic and natural look. To actually accomplish white balance manually you need to first put a pure white subject in front of the camera, for example we used a piece of white paper. This is essential as it allows for you to look through the viewfinder and see a white effect. After doing this you then go on to set the focus and exposure for your camera. You then activate the white balance by pressing the button or throwing a switch (depending on the camera), you can then repeat this process using different coloured Gells, for example Blue can make a warm effect and the colours Orange and Red can make a cold effect, it is also essential that you re write the white balance if you change your location from outdoors and indoors.

Brief Post on future technology in photography

Image Augmented reality is something that isn't new, there have been many experiences of the concept for example in  through the eyes of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s T-800 Terminator in James Cameron’s 1984 blockbuster. However theres been many failed attempts at it until July 2016 where the release of Pokemon Go brought it back to life. Google had something in place as part of Google Tango, however its Apple that really took the concept, it was part of there ARkit which was due to roll out in Apples IOS 11 update. Because Apple have frequent updates, other mainstream companies have to the leverage to reach the scale required to make big investments in software and apps . This picture above shows the type of Augmented reality, this can commonly be used in games, like for example Pokemon Go. This is something of which i would interpret into an idea that involves this concept and


Brief Review of BIC advert

In today's carousel we assigned a task to create a 1 minute advert on the 4 colour Bic pen, after getting into groups and coming up with our own idea's, each group pitched their idea to the whole class. The idea voted for most by all the groups was the deciding scenario for our advert. We then came back together as a class and were assigned an individual role in the production, I was assigned the role of the sound mircophone, this i felt was a fairly simple job but required a lot of time and patience. The whole class had their individuals roles such as a director, cameramen etc. Despite the class being succesful in created the advert, the time it took to complete it took longer than it should of of done.

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Our Questions: 1-Whats Your name 2- Which of the two carousels did you enjoy most and why? 3- What Methods did you learn from the lessons 4- Which tool was most and least effective 5- Is there anything you can improve on and how?

Week 2 Fashion Carousel

Document what you did in the session on Tuesday and Wednesday (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC)  On the left is a Logo we were asked to design.  On the right is two of the variety of tools we used throughout our Fashion lessons This is my logo after adding stitching to it  List under the following  Research that you carry out in these sessions: In the fashion lessons i had there wasnt many research we carried out, however some research i carried out myself was to look at other peoples logo's that other people in my class had created. This was especially useful as i wasn't in on the day before when everyone was asked to design their logo's. Another piece of research i carried out was watching the teacher demonstrate how to stitch, i took notice from what she was saying and used it to good effect whilst doing my own stitching.  Skills that you have tried: Some skills i tried throughout this lesson was to do with hand stitching, in stitc