Week 2 Fashion Carousel

Document what you did in the session on Tuesday and Wednesday (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC)
 On the left is a Logo we were asked to design.
 On the right is two of the variety of tools we used throughout our Fashion lessons

This is my logo after adding stitching to it 

List under the following 
Research that you carry out in these sessions:
In the fashion lessons i had there wasnt many research we carried out, however some research i carried out myself was to look at other peoples logo's that other people in my class had created. This was especially useful as i wasn't in on the day before when everyone was asked to design their logo's. Another piece of research i carried out was watching the teacher demonstrate how to stitch, i took notice from what she was saying and used it to good effect whilst doing my own stitching. 
Skills that you have tried:
Some skills i tried throughout this lesson was to do with hand stitching, in stitching there is one basic technique and that is the usual go through the material and then back through the other side, however there is an option to do a crossed stitch which required a little more skill, however despite being confident in myself to getting this done, my attempt at crossed stitching was short lived as i was not able to get it done, if i were to do hand stitching in the future, this is something i will give another go at, especially when i find stitching fairly straight forward.
Any processes and methods you used:
The method for the lesson on hand stitching was based around how we going to stitch and also what, after not remembering how to stitch after many years, the teacher giving us a tutorial on what to do really helped and therefore that became our method. After understanding the method, the process of actually trying the hand stitching was fairly easy and straight forward. We started off by putting the thread through the needle and tying a knot in the thread. I then went on to put the needle through the cloth of which my logo was on and going from there. Because my logo had writing on it as well as the logo itself (pictured at the top of the screen) i though i'd challenge myself and start with the writing. This attempt at going round the word "Crew" was actually very successful in my opinion but despite the promising start the rest of the stitching was rushed which is something i need to improve on whilst doing any work within the course.
Any tools that you used:
There were many tools we used throughout the lesson,  the most important two pieces of equipment which were the needle and thread, the reason to these being the most important is that they are the reason hand stitching is even possible to do, without these the lesson would of been impossible. 


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