Week 1 First Evaluation of the Carousel

1. Evidence of me taking part: (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC) U1.1.2

 In the photo to the left it shows one of the few photos we used whilst we were Mano painting. With this photo we stuck it to the sheet of A4 paper and placed the A4 onto the area which we put the Oil paint on.

In the picture to the left it shows the different drawings i drew whilst in the first lesson of Art & Design. Each student had to choose an object and draw the object of our choice. The picture shows my drawing using pen, pencil and water to add effect.

This picture demonstrates the use of the Oil Paint. The oil paint is put onto the glass and the spread out by using a roller.

2. Write up your experience of the following...
    2a Discuss any research that you carried out in these sessions: U2.1.1,

    Now list Primary and Secondary sources U2.2.1 
    The primary research we carried out in class was the repetitive drawings we were asked to draw in the first lesson, the different examples of the drawings gave us an understanding of what we thought was the better option, and once we decided, we went on to create another drawing of  our favourable technique. Another use of primary research was when we were in Stuarts lesson and our objective was to create sounds we can put into the famous shower scene from the movie "Physco". We did by using different equipment and objects to see what best fit the certain part of the clip, Primary research is different compared to secondary research as it is research that we created ourselves by drawing each of the designs by using the different techniques. An example of secondary research we used in Art & Design was when we were shown work that previous students had made whilst doing Art & Design, once we got an understanding of the different techniques the students used to create their drawings we took that research and used it to our advantage.

    2b Discuss any skills that you have tried: U2.1.1
    There were many skills we taught whilst doing Art & Design, many of which were to do with the drawings we done during lesson one, we were given a variety of different materials to draw a certain object of our choice, the certain skills we learnt was how to create effect with a drawing using a broad pen. After we had done our example of our broad pen drawing we then had the chance to add to the drawing by using water and a paintbrush by going over the pen and creating an effect that made the drawing stand out. However this was one of the negative parts to the lesson as the drawing using a broad pen, water and paintbrush, in my opinion was the lesser of them all and if I were to use those materials again, it is something I can certainly improve on. However unlike that certain material the use of pencils and biro's were easier as it allowed for a lighter drawing that can be done by holding the end of the pen and pressing lightly on the paper. This I feel was successful as they were the better out of the variety of drawings.
    During a media lesson with Stefan, we used premiere pro to edit a one minute film we had filmed within groups, and despite already being familiar with program I was able to use new skills I had learned to add to the video, these included how to make video play to the beat of the music we had put over it, for example in our film we had a scene were someone was stealing a bag from someone and as the theft was taking place, the beat to the music started to kick in. This skill was very effective to making the short film stand out and using it can make the viewer more interested and intrigued on how to do this certain skill themselves. 

    2c Discuss any processes and methods you used (Photography wet process, Screen Printing, Photoshop layering etc): U1.1.1
    During our Art and Design lesson we were taught how to print. The method to do doing this was to have a glass layout on the table and then add a drop of black oil paint onto the glass, then we had to use a piece of equipment called a Roller to spread the oil paint into around the size of an A4 sheet piece of paper. Once that is done we then had to place a A4 sheet of paper, with the photo of our choice stuck to the top, and place it onto the oil paint and then simply draw around the the object in the photo. After being taught the method onto how to do accomplish this, we were then set a task to actually try it ourselves, this is called the process because we actually doing it, where as the method is just the plan, The process in my opinion went well as me and Kian and Matt all came up with detailed drawings of which we were very happy with.

    2d Discuss the tools that you used (Paint, Material, Software, etc): U2 3.1
    There were many tools we had to use during our time in Art and all for different reasons. The first lesson of Art we a variety of different materials to see which we thought suited us and took that into the final drawing we had done at the end of the lesson, these included:

    • Pencils
    • Biro
    • Broad Pen
    • Water
    • Coloured Pencils
    • Pencils put together
    After using primary research to discover which was best, i decided to use a pencil for my last drawing as i felt it was the far better tool, this was because it is easy to use and it allowed me to freely draw my object without pressing to hard on the paper. This was different to the others as i felt is was hard to really add detail to the drawing and overall i wasnt impressed by what i had drawn compared to the pencil. All these tools may be useful to us in media as you may be in the situation where a storyboard or plan has to be created, which of course needs for you to have at least one of these tools 


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