
Website Review:26/02/18

Justify your choices of colour, layout etc on your WIX (use screenshots to illustrate your points) The colours we have chosen for our website is very heavily based around a darker theme, colours like Black and Grey are commonly used to portray the overall genre and outlook to our interactive production. The structure of the website is also to help the overall look to the film, the video/effect of the animals in the background of the homepage, is there to not only give a brief look into what may appear in our film, but to give an intimidating feel to however views the website. The menu bar is also very basic, so that users can quickly access the other options available. 2.  Discuss what pages are on your site and what is/will be on each page: Each page allows the user to gain some information and insight of the film, options such as Meet the cast, Gallery and the sypnosis help the viewer really understand the overall idea of the film production. The meet the cast options all


1. Would you rather 2. Black Mirror 3. Get out The Genre for our Film is Thriller/ Psychological Horror The story line is the same as each individual film is an unexpected horror, the audience are unaware of the horror side of the film. Subtle Horror The story is set in specific locations that define the film, which is similar to ours as it is set in only two settings. . 1. To know who to aim their film towards as Genre's have a set audience as each individual person has a favourite Genre. 2. To establish our type of film, and to get an idea of how the film is going to be without even watching it. 3. Our target audience for out film, is aimed at 14-18 year olds, as that is the average age for people at college

Mind Map and Branch Tree


Scene By Scene Breakdown

The Game Choose your character and take on The Game, be ready to answer the questions, or be prepared to lose your life. Are you ready? All Characters have their own background, they are all criminals in some way and have been given a chance to be let off the hook, by being a contestant in the game. Scene 1 Act 1, Dark Musty Waiting Room. 4 different characters sat in a waiting ready to play the game, a worker with a clipboard keeps an eye on anyone trying to escape, armed with a weapon. A character is chosen and is ready to take on the game, these characters are Matt, Kian, Tom Sharp and myself Tom Stoutt. Tom Stoutt, whilst sitting in the waiting room, wondering what is going on, gets himself ready to enter the game. He sits anxiously as the other contestants sit beside him all coping with the situation in different ways.  Scene 2 Act 2: Entering the Game Show: After choosing your character, the chosen character is ushered into the game studio. Tom like anyone wou

Panaramic picture test

10 Movie Websites research.

Jumanji: Within the Jumanji official website there are a variety of different features that stand out. The first of which is when you actually load the website up, the website loads in a game format as there is a loading bar going up from 0% until its 100, which of course indicates the welcoming to the website. As well as the load up screen loading similar to a game, the website also offers you the chance to play a game called "Rhino Run", as well a Meet the Avatars option which allows you to get information about each character.  On the front page, there are different examples of moving image/animation as the title Jumanji is moving back and forth, and the water moves in the background along with the characters.  The animation is something i would definitely take into my own website, as i feel it'll give it quality, and it will be easy on the eye as viewers are welcomed onto the page. Fantastic Beasts: On the Fantastic Beasts website, the title logo is

Answers to google form questions


Google forms


Visual Codes. Jeremy Kyle

Image Set/Location of the production: The location of Jeremy is based in a studio with an Audience, the studio is based in Manchester in a place called Media City UK. The audience find this location very warming as the audience is very close to the action, the producers chose this location as it is easier for people to get to that are a lower class, seeing as the majority of people on this show are from a lower class background. Colour and tone used within the show The tone used in this segment of Jeremy Kyle, the bright blue is very typical and represents the show very much, from the very first episode to current the blue background has been very iconic to what Jeremy Kyle is. The colour is not so in your face and not so dull, so in my opinion the colour of blue is the perfect colour for the show. The audience would respond positively to the colour within the show as the colour blue represents calmness and the colour isn't dull i

Creating an Interview.

Things to do in an interview Keep eye contact with interviewee as it allows for the person to feel relaxed. if you were not to do this the interviewee wouldn't know where to look and the interview can become awkward. To find the best angle/shot to film the interview and to not to break the 180 degree rule. To stay silent for as long as possible to ensure that you actually listen to what the person has to say, it is best for you to say as little as possible and stick to just asking the questions. Find a way to get the interviewer in shot by using the 180 degree rule or by using the over the shoulder shot, so that the audience watching knows that they're there. You also need to get the right camera shot, the main shot people use is a mid close up where the interviewee's shoulders and above, as well as leaving a little gap between the top of the persons head and the top of the frame.

White Balance

In this lesson around White Balance we were taught why white balance is important, and the reason is that it allows the camera to have a more realistic and natural look. To actually accomplish white balance manually you need to first put a pure white subject in front of the camera, for example we used a piece of white paper. This is essential as it allows for you to look through the viewfinder and see a white effect. After doing this you then go on to set the focus and exposure for your camera. You then activate the white balance by pressing the button or throwing a switch (depending on the camera), you can then repeat this process using different coloured Gells, for example Blue can make a warm effect and the colours Orange and Red can make a cold effect, it is also essential that you re write the white balance if you change your location from outdoors and indoors.

Brief Post on future technology in photography

Image Augmented reality is something that isn't new, there have been many experiences of the concept for example in  through the eyes of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s T-800 Terminator in James Cameron’s 1984 blockbuster. However theres been many failed attempts at it until July 2016 where the release of Pokemon Go brought it back to life. Google had something in place as part of Google Tango, however its Apple that really took the concept, it was part of there ARkit which was due to roll out in Apples IOS 11 update. Because Apple have frequent updates, other mainstream companies have to the leverage to reach the scale required to make big investments in software and apps . This picture above shows the type of Augmented reality, this can commonly be used in games, like for example Pokemon Go. This is something of which i would interpret into an idea that involves this concept and


Brief Review of BIC advert

In today's carousel we assigned a task to create a 1 minute advert on the 4 colour Bic pen, after getting into groups and coming up with our own idea's, each group pitched their idea to the whole class. The idea voted for most by all the groups was the deciding scenario for our advert. We then came back together as a class and were assigned an individual role in the production, I was assigned the role of the sound mircophone, this i felt was a fairly simple job but required a lot of time and patience. The whole class had their individuals roles such as a director, cameramen etc. Despite the class being succesful in created the advert, the time it took to complete it took longer than it should of of done.

Audio Link

Our Questions: 1-Whats Your name 2- Which of the two carousels did you enjoy most and why? 3- What Methods did you learn from the lessons 4- Which tool was most and least effective 5- Is there anything you can improve on and how?

Week 2 Fashion Carousel

Document what you did in the session on Tuesday and Wednesday (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC)  On the left is a Logo we were asked to design.  On the right is two of the variety of tools we used throughout our Fashion lessons This is my logo after adding stitching to it  List under the following  Research that you carry out in these sessions: In the fashion lessons i had there wasnt many research we carried out, however some research i carried out myself was to look at other peoples logo's that other people in my class had created. This was especially useful as i wasn't in on the day before when everyone was asked to design their logo's. Another piece of research i carried out was watching the teacher demonstrate how to stitch, i took notice from what she was saying and used it to good effect whilst doing my own stitching.  Skills that you have tried: Some skills i tried throughout this lesson was to do with hand stitching, in stitc
Title : Critically Comparing my Skills, Processes and Methods 1st. Formulate your question: Look below at what you  are you being asked to evaluate. Unit 1 U1.2.1 Critically compare a range of communication methods used to convey meaning in creative media production. Note Critically is similar to compare but concentrate on the things that are different with two or more methods used or what sets them apart. Point out any differences which are particularly significant. In your own words say what U1.2.1 is asking you to do. Answer: Critically Compare a range of media products 2nd. Gather your information: What have you been doing that you can evaluate On your blog you now have two weeks detailing classes in The Carousel and professional ways to use tools, skills, processes.  If you have details of these you have done this point just add the links below. Blog link to last week: Answer:

Tutorial GIF

Tutorial GIF made iwith Stephen 28/917 In a lesson with Stephen, i created a GIF using 47 images The GIF was simple and easy to create and is now another skill i can use within Photoshop

Technical, Visual and Audio Codes (Stuart)

Technical, Visual and Audio Codes. The scene i have chosen if from the show "The Walking Dead" Technical: There are many different technical codes in this scene and many of which are camera angles, one of the first important camera shots in this scene is a mid shot, Spencer is stood in front of a group of people. This shot is important because he stood in front of people that he is with, people he trusts and people that are part of his group. However in this shot he is stood at the front suggesting he is the leader, but if you are a fan of the show you would know he is just a part of the group and is trying to prove himself. The shot showcases the importance of the character for this specific scene. The next all important shot is around 1:00 and it shows Spencer leaning down to take the shot on the pool table and in the background.This shot is a medium close up but really tries to show the importance of the people beh

Week 1 First Evaluation of the Carousel

1. Evidence of me taking part:  (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC)  U1.1.2   In the photo to the left it shows one of the few photos we used whilst we were Mano painting. With this photo we stuck it to the sheet of A4 paper and placed the A4 onto the area which we put the Oil paint on.   In the picture to the left it shows the different drawings i drew whilst in the first lesson of Art & Design. Each student had to choose an object and draw the object of our choice. The picture shows my drawing using pen, pencil and water to add effect. This picture demonstrates the use of the Oil Paint. The oil paint is put onto the glass and the spread out by using a roller. 2. Write up your experience of the following... 2a Discuss any research that you carried out in these sessions:  U2.1.1, Now list Primary and Secondary sources U2.2.1  The primary research we carried out in class was the repetitive drawings we